A quagmire - an entrapment for sure
Once stuck in it; there is no cure
No one to help; no one to take you out
Futile would be high pitched shout.
Just one step is all you need
Once inside, you start to plead
It sucks you in, deep inside
Until you wish only death by your side.
Lucky ones - pulled outside
By the one with whom victim’s heart reside
With mud and slush stuck all over
Until welcomed, embraced by lover.
Unlucky ones - trapped there forever
Lonely soul begging for love’s life-saver
With no helping hand of love in sight
Hopelessness reign with no ray of light.
A deadly quagmire
More deadly than raging fire.
A quagmire called love
That the world adores and admire.
A quagmire - an entrapment for sure
Once stuck in it; there is no cure
No one to help; no one to take you out
Futile would be high pitched shout.
Just one step is all you need
Once inside, you start to plead
It sucks you in, deep inside
Until you wish only death by your side.
Lucky ones - pulled outside
By the one with whom victim’s heart reside
With mud and slush stuck all over
Until welcomed, embraced by lover.
Unlucky ones - trapped there forever
Lonely soul begging for love’s life-saver
With no helping hand of love in sight
Hopelessness reign with no ray of light.
A deadly quagmire
More deadly than raging fire.
A quagmire called love
That the world adores and admire.